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This tutorial walks you through creating your own editor from scratch. If you would like an out-of-the-box solution - check our 5 min tutorial.


Use the installation instruction outlined below, depending on the package manager used in your project.

npm add remirror @remirror/react @remirror/pm

Installing remirror gives you access to all the extensions and core packages that are actively developed in the remirror repository.

@remirror/pm is a peer dependency of remirror and all the Remirror packages.


The @remirror/pm dependency provides access to all the core prosemirror-* libraries and is used by all the Remirror packages to ensure that each package is using the exact same version of the prosemirror-* package. It ensures consistent library versions across the ecosystem and can also simplify your codebase.

If you plan on developing your own extension or framework package then please use @remirror/pm/state rather than the prosemirror-state packages. Both point to the exact same files but the scoped package means that the versions installed by end users will always be consistent.