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Read only/Static rendering

In most cases, users view the Remirror document directly in the editor. Yet, there are use cases where creating and viewing the document are distinct, e.g.:

  • Different users: For example, a user writes a news article in Remirror which is then viewed by many other users. In this case, the viewer must not be allowed to edit the article.
  • Different points in time: For example, a user captures its daily thoughts in a document and wants to view them a couple of weeks later. In this case, the user prefers a leaner experience to read the document.

Read-only editor

The easiest option is to set the editor as read-only:

import React from 'react';
import { Remirror } from '@remirror/react';

const Editor = () => {
return <Remirror editable={false} />;

On the upside, this approach leads to the identical rendering as in editable mode. On the downside, rendering is as expensive as in editable mode.

React renderer

The react-render provides a more efficient way to visualize Remirror documents: It renders the document directly to HTML, by-passing the editor completely. This implies that the visualization can look differently from the editor and that you'll have to implement rendering for all your custom node types.

See storybook for example usage.

Note: Today only the most widely Remirror node types are supported by the react-render. Please file a ticket (or even better PR) if you require further node types.